This beauty of a cyst had wrapped itself around my left ovary so tight that they not only had to remove the cyst, but take my ovary with it. It was the size of a softball. I kid you not.
So, why Tony? Thank my Tumblr friends:
meganegilmore:Just got home. Had emergency surgery to remove my left ovary and the SOFTBALL SIZED CYST attached to it.I’m on drugs today so posts will be minimum here and on punmasterbrett. Love you all!!texts-from-the-bus:NAMEIT NEEDS A NAMEwhen you feel better. first you rest up and feel better and then we name your exorcised body parts there is an order to thishomemadepestoaioli:Seriously, kitten, feel better. One of my best friends had an ovarian cyst removed, and she was trying to go to class the day after surgery. One of the only times my first aid has ever come in handy, because she passed the hell out right into my arms. Luckily, I’m a 5’2” beast and caught her.But definitely paint or do something creative like that while you’re on the meds. It will be hilarious later.And, just as a side note, SCAR VIA TONY is an anagram for ‘ovarian cyst’.I think you should call him Tony. When you get mad, you can be like ‘DAMMIT, STARK.”meganegilmore:TONY IT IS!texts-from-the-bus:HI TONYBYE TONYhomemadepestoaioli:SCAR VIA TONYThe Life and Excision of Tony, an Ovarian CystComing this Summer from Iron PenguinBook cover. We need a book cover.meganegilmore:My cyst gets more reblogs than my writing. *sigh* Story of my life.homemadepestoaioli:It’s all from the same people, though. Happy to a-cyst you.i’m so sorrytexts-from-the-bus:CEASE AND DE-CYST: BOOK TWO IN THE ONGOING TONY SAGAmeganegilmore:Who’s making the book cover? Someone needs to get on this. I in-cyst.homemadepestoaioli:We need a-cyst-ance. This is ovary our level.texts-from-the-bus:I like how this darn thing keeps getting reblogged with the same three people over and over again. You might say it’s become rather in-cyst-uous.homemadepestoaioli:CYSTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING TUMBLR AUNTIESmeganegilmore:I love you guys so much. You’re never ovary the top.
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